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irondiezl3 03-08-2009 02:05 PM

every fill up?
gas shoots out everytime i fill up. i dont over fill i let the pump stop on its own and thats it. as soon as it stops gas comes flying out. car never did that until recently maybe 2 months ago it started. if i dont fill it then it doesnt do it but if i fill it boom everytime? wtf is that about?

cherrington17 03-08-2009 02:15 PM

are you just pumping until the pump stops.... or until its right up to the neck of the tank?

there needs to be some air in there, so if your filling it too full, then yes, gas will erupt out. Its not good to have it that full. fill until the pump stops you the first time, THEN STOP.

Ryan from Ohio 03-08-2009 02:19 PM

Odd... Theres a screen in there somewhere. Maybe something got in there? Like a gas additive plastic seal.?

irondiezl3 03-08-2009 03:05 PM

i ust pump it and it stops on its own...i dont force it to pump more it over flows before it even stops on its own the first time...and if that was in there how would you get it out...if i am pumping it right and it keeps overflowing then obviously something is wrong right?

Ryan from Ohio 03-08-2009 03:25 PM

Yes somethings wrong.

Time for a mechanic

lonnie 03-08-2009 03:39 PM

I fill mine up until gas is at the cap and I've never had an issue (knock on wood) with gas flying out.

tw0123 03-08-2009 04:02 PM

does this happen at the same pump or different pumps? if its the same pump, it could be a problem with their equipment, and it not shutting off at the right time, but if it is various pumps, then there is something wrong with it on your end... get it checked...

lonnie 03-08-2009 04:03 PM

You'd have to be pretty stupid to use the same pump over and over again and think something is wrong with the car!

AlbinoMonkeyRat 03-08-2009 04:17 PM

try another gas station before you see a mechanic about this. if it doesn't happen at the other gas station, go back to the problematic station and tell the manager 9or owner, whatever) that he's got faulty equipment. (if you want to be a nice guy and save him tons of money on potential lawsuits...if it happens to everybody, it could be dangerous)

irondiezl3 03-08-2009 04:32 PM

ill try few other gas stations. usually i go to same one right next to my house but i think it has happened at another one to. so ill check that out first. and if still does i just wont fill it all the way till i get it checked out. i never though of the additive one ryan i do use mmo once in a blue moon you never know that coulda happened. thanks for all the input!!!!

Ryan from Ohio 03-08-2009 05:42 PM

Yup you never know. Maybe someone put something down the hole also...

But try a different pump/station first... lol

lonnie 03-09-2009 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by irondiezl3 (Post 439027)
ill try few other gas stations. usually i go to same one right next to my house but i think it has happened at another one to. so ill check that out first. and if still does i just wont fill it all the way till i get it checked out. i never though of the additive one ryan i do use mmo once in a blue moon you never know that coulda happened. thanks for all the input!!!!

You may go to the same gas station but I'm sure you don't use the same number pump everytime you go. If you have used them in the past and have not haved this happened then its safe to say that its not the gas station and more so something with the car. In any event it needs to be checked out. Just don't something crazy like stick a close hanger down it to see if it is blocked.......I know people that would do that!

doubleN0alero 03-09-2009 09:25 AM

I actually do use the same gas station and the same pump number every single time I get gas. The only deviation is when I'm out of town. I did run into one of those pumps at another station that cut off the metal thing that will allow you to let the pump run so you don't have to hold the handle the whole time. I shoved my gas cap down underneath there cause I'm lazy...big mistake. The pump didn't cut off and gas came shooting everywhere. Turns out, there was a problem with the pump and the gas station manager actually gave me a refund for some of the gas that came shooting out...of course gas was $5.09 here at the time, so of course I was going to create a stink when $5 just ends up on the ground.

AGT 03-09-2009 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Ryan from Ohio (Post 439045)
Yup you never know. Maybe someone put something down the hole also...

But try a different pump/station first... lol

I agree. You may no0t know it but someone put something in your hole :lol:

Try another station and if it does it again, bitch em out like doubleNO

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