Thread: idling weird
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Old 03-31-2004, 12:46 PM   #16
Posts: n/a
hey it is me NeXAlero sorry i haven't been on in a while i have been working on my car and to get the shaking to calm down for the while i changed the oil. you are gonna think this is crazy but my crazy dad said to pour diesel down the oil intake and let it idle for awhile so it would totaly clean out the inside of the oil chambers i was frekin scared when i did it all i could think about was oh poop there goes my engine but nothing happend. well when i opend the value to let it all out it was so thin that i coulden't beileve the diesel did that much too it. but all i know right now is that it is riding so smoth right now and i am happy i changed the spark plugs had to replace my abs fuse and my emergeny brake fuse. pulled all my seats out and cleaned the entire car out. but as i was doing it i accdiently broke the radio trim and now i need a new one :wah: :wah: :wah: well all i gotta say is that i am back and pm if you have any questions Choa
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