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Old 06-30-2004, 03:24 PM   #9
Posts: n/a seems as though Dan's experience was quite similar to mine. I figured the small tube was some sort of lube since there wasn't any mention of this on the instructions from the website...and you know by now that they don't send any instructions with the actual brace. Turns out the tube is anti-sieze or so says PFYC.

I'm not unhappy with the product and since PFYC replaced the bar, I'm cool with that as well. Although as of the date of this post, they still haven't sent me the reimbusement check for my return shipping. What I'm aggrivated with is that none of this should have happend if they truly paid attention to the details.

This company started out of a garage and has become successful. Isn't time for them to start acting like they have moved out of the garage?

Dan...just curious...what color brace did you order? If it's still in the garbage, can I have it? Good luck in your search for finding another one else is making these braces currently!
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