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Old 06-20-2010, 06:18 PM   #39
Old's Wife
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Joliet, IL
Posts: 262
Old's Wife is on a distinguished road
Well before we finish getting unpacked and everything.

It was another successful ASS. We would like to thank everyone for coming out, it was a great time!!! A big thanks goes out to Scot's parents for the cook out, Ken & Andy for all their help and support.

We had a really good time and enjoyed ASS '10. We have a few new members that made it out and it was really great meeting you and we hope you will come back again. It was really great to see everyone. A special thanks to Smurf & his family who made a 780 mile trip to support the event, even with no Alero.

Ok... here is my mission...... I want to pass this on to everyone. We have been doing this show for 7 years now and just once I would love to see how many Alero's we can get, my goal is between 30-40. I think that would just be the highlight to the this community and to all those who you spend a great deal of time with it. So make plans now.... pass the word on, start saving.... and give suggestions on how we can get this done for 2011. Oldsman will post up the dates as soon as they are set in order to give everyone plenty of time to prepare.

We have a ton of members new and old that haven't been ever or in a while.... Please come out for 2011.

Thank you so much much to everyone!

Old's Wife
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