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Old 04-13-2015, 02:15 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by sleepyalero View Post
The radiators from my knowledge are a pain to make etc...

Last i talked to mike the front header and crossover were made, and the rear was being started. Then would go out for coating. And while that is being done, the downpipe will be fabbed.

I understand many peoples frustration on loss of communication with him, and delayed part times, but heres the thing. I look to Mike as a good friend. Im a loyal customer despite those things, because i know what he has to go through.

When me and mike do talk, half the time is 3 mind about parts, then the rest about my life and his life. Hes a good guy, trust me. I know its hard to see. But he has (i cant speak to much for him cause its not my business to tell) but hes been going through some tough life situations recently, which makes it harder for him, plus with he basically being the ONLY guy working at his shop (other then his fab guy) and with all the projects/work he has to do, its tough for him. Its hard to find good help nowadays the way i see it. The waiting sucks, i know. But i manage to deal with it. His fab guy helps him a little but he also runs his own business so he does fab work for mike on the side. We have talked about the radiators before when i went to his shop and i just remember its a pain for those parts to be made.

I hate seeing people upset with him, hes an awesome dude and has great parts. But i can understand your side, and Mikes side on things. Ill have to see what i can squeeze out of him on that radiator next time we speak.... Hes not out there to take your money and run, trust me. Sorry to hear your frustration!

I'm not that frustrated about him. And I can totally understand how life can change our plans sometimes... it's been like 5 years since the last time I drove my alero... I'm patiently waiting for these to be made.. anyway nobody else sells them...

But you know when you put something on special sale on your website normally you should have them in hand...
If not what's the point to make a sale...

Anyway back to your topic and if you can ask him about a build time estimate that would be awesome!
Custom or Nothing...
L67/MP112 F23 5SPEED '01 Alero, L61 soon TURBO'ED '05 Sunfire
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