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Old 01-25-2016, 04:38 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 7
phild1087 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by falloutboy View Post
before I can help further, what kind of things are you able to check or do yourself?

Are you able to put the whole car safely on jackstands?
Do you have a big pan to catch fluids?
Do you have a voltmeter, and are more or less technically inclined?

If all this is true, I can try to sort out a few possible reasons and maybe get an idea what is really wrong.

(keep in mind I live in Germany, so my answer are way out of your normal timezones )

I'm not sure if I can get the whole car on jackstands, but I should be able to at least get her car up on to ramps at her place. I'll have to double check on the stands... I know I have two, but I'm not sure if she has any.

I do have a pan to catch fluids.

I don't have a voltmeter, but I can borrow one pretty easily. My roommate was raised by an electrician and I think has one, and some engineers at work may be willing to let me borrow one. I've never done any serious repairs in my life, but I've done little stuff like changing oil, support struts for the hood, swapping wheels for winter/summer tires twice a year. Basic things. But I'll always give anything a go if I can!

No worries about timeliness of replies, my work schedule is odd anyway! Thanks for the reply!
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