Thread: Febuary Aotm
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Old 01-17-2005, 10:56 AM   #53
Posts: n/a
K so heres the shpeal on my pic, I went to the mountains, found the road I was going to do it on, and tested the jump... I had more than enough clearance, I think the only problem would have been getting me and the Alero in the pic lol. So I do it once, and to be sure I go for it again to check landing and clearance, this time went just as well as the first. So I'm walking back up to the road to tell my friend to get ready for the final pic, and some stupid rocky mountain sherrif is waiting for me. He asks me what I'm doing and i explain the pic I am trying to get. He tells me that it's illegal to ski in this area, and that He can't let me do it! issed: So I was like ok thanx for not giving me a ticket, and I asked him if there was anywhere he could think of that I could take the pic. He told me that theres a place next to this ski area Eldora about 30 min from where we were so i went there. Tried the jump over the road, and I maybey would have had 6 inches of clearance over the car, and the road was busy, so I decided not to go for it. Oh well, it was fun jumping over the road anyway... <_<
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